Invisalign vs Fixed Braces: Everything You Need to Know

Clear aligners for teeth straightening
Published Date:
September 23, 2024
Updated Date:
September 23, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min
Published Date:
September 23, 2024
Updated Date:
September 23, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min

Table of Content

  1. What’s the Difference Between Invisalign and Fixed Braces?
  2. Invisalign: The Nearly Invisible Solution
  3. Fixed Braces: The Traditional Method
  4. So, What’s the Bottom Line?
  5. How Long Does Treatment Take with Invisalign vs. Fixed Braces?
  6. Invisalign Treatment Timeline
  7. Fixed Braces Treatment Timeline
  8. Comfort: What Can You Actually Expect?
  9. Invisalign Cost
  10. Fixed Braces Comfort
  11. So, Which One Feels Better?
  12. Eating and Drinking: What’s the Difference?
  13. Invisalign: Total Freedom (Mostly)
  14. Fixed Braces: Some Restrictions
  15. So, What’s the Difference?
  16. Oral Hygiene: Which Is Easier to Maintain?
  17. Invisalign: Easy Brushing and Flossing
  18. Fixed Braces: More Effort Required
  19. So, What’s Easier?
  20. Final Thoughts
  21. FAQs

When you’re thinking about straightening your teeth,t it can be overwhelming. With so many options out there, the big question is: invisalign or fixed metal braces? Most people have come across these options by their friends and family or their dentist, but it’s a tough choice to make.

Both Invisalign and fixed braces can give you that perfect smile, but they go about it in very different ways. The goal is pretty much the same for both but there’s pros and cons for each, so we’re here to help you on how to make the best choice for your lifestyle and dental needs. Let’s dive in!

1. What’s the Difference Between Invisalign and Fixed Braces?

Before you can choose between Invisalign and fixed braces, you really need to understand how they actually even work and it’s definitely more than just whether or not you want people to see them.

Invisalign: The Nearly Invisible Solution

With Invisalign, you get a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners that fit snugly over your teeth. These aligners work by gradually shifting your teeth into place over time, and you swap them out for new ones every 1-2 weeks.

Invisalign is all about straightening your teeth. Itn was designed for those individuals whose teeth are crooked, crowded or with gaps., The purpose of Invisalign is to gradually move them to the right alignment. Think braces but that’s way more inconspicuous. Invisalign consists of the process of wearing a set of clear plastic aligners which slowly move the teeth into their desired positions.

As mentioned earlier, one of the many features of Invisalign that stand out is they are practically camouflaged (which is why they are called Invisaligns) so very few people would even know that you are wearing braces. Invisalign can also correct the more complicated alignment problems that may include overbite problems, underbite problems and cross bite as well. But again, it is not a one day, one week or even one month process, this may take several months to years depending on the adjustment of the teeth required.

Read more on: Should You Choose Invisalign or Veneers? Full Comparison

Fixed Braces: The Traditional Method

Clear aligners for teeth straightening

Fixed braces, also known as traditional braces, are the oldest option that’s been around for decades. They consist of metal brackets which are attached to your teeth through a wire running through them to gently move them into the right position.

Compared to Invisalign, metal braces are fixed which means they are correcting the teeth’s alignment constantly 24/7. Thus, you do not need to remove them or be concerned as to when you should replace them back since they are permanent. The most popular type is the metal one but there is also the ceramic one which is slightly less noticeable as they are made to match the color of the teeth.

Braces are not as discreet as Invisalign but they are incredibly effective with issues that involve extreme crowding, severe malocclusion and the like.

So, What’s the Bottom Line?

If you’re looking for something low-key and convenient, Invisalign could be perfect for you. But if you need more intense corrections, fixed braces may get the job done faster and more efficiently.

2. How Long Does Treatment Take with Invisalign vs. Fixed Braces?

When it comes to straightening your teeth, one of the first things on your mind is probably, “how long will this take? We know you want results without waiting around forever but quite honestly we don’t have a single answer.

Invisalign Treatment Timeline

Invisalign treatments usually take around 12 to 18 months, but this can vary depending on your specific dental issues. For minor corrections, it could be as short as 6 months, while more complex cases might take up to 2 years. The key to getting results quickly with Invisalign is wearing your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day. If you’re someone who tends to forget things or you’re tempted to take them out more than you should, this can drag out your treatment.

Another thing to keep in mind: Invisalign isn’t the best option for super complicated cases. If your teeth need major realignment, the treatment might take longer or not be as effective, and your dentist might even recommend traditional braces instead.

Fixed Braces Treatment Timeline

It takes 18 to 24 months to complete treatment time with the fixed braces though the time may vary depending on the severity of a patient’s dental complications. However, they are better equipped to address more thorough misalignment that includes severe crowding or bite problems and as a result the time for the treatment can sometimes extend further for such cases.

Unlike Invisalign which one can easily forget to wear, braces are always on 24/7 and hence you are assured that your progress is not hampered in any way. However, one should understand that the timeline also depends on the adherence to the instructions of the orthodontist: the frequency of visits, adhrence to food restrictions and other factors. Another way is to miss some appointments or interrupt the procedure tightening and adjustments of brackets, this may delay the process.

Read more on: Invisalign Teeth Straightening Options in the UK [2024 Edition]

3. Comfort: What Can You Actually Expect?

Comfort is a huge factor when it comes to people choosing between Invisalign and fixed braces. After all, you’ll be living with these for a while, and you want something that’s manageable day-to-day.

Invisalign Cost

Easily removable clear aligners

Invisalign is generally considered to be more comfortable than fixed bracesbecause the aligners are made of smooth plastic material.Hence, you do not have to experience wires or brackets’ cutting your cheeks and gums. Also, the force exerted on the teeth is gradual, and although you may get a slight sensation of teeth being pulled when you change to the next set of aligners, it is not very significant, and normally lasts for a day or two.

Still, another advantage is that you can remove them if they are uncomfortable during meals or when you are brushing your teeth. The only thing you should bear in mind is that you should wear them for the most time of the day, as constant taking off may hinder the process.

Fixed Braces Comfort

Fixed braces are a bit more of a challenge when it comes to comfort. You’ve got metal brackets and wires, and sometimes they can rub against the inside of your mouth, causing irritation. Many people experience discomfort after getting braces tightened during checkups, and it’s not uncommon to have some soreness for a few days afterward.

That being said, after the initial adjustment period, most people get used to their braces. Orthodontists can also provide wax to cover any particularly uncomfortable areas, and pain relievers can help during the first few days after adjustments.

So, Which One Feels Better?

Invisalign generally wins in the comfort department, especially if you’re sensitive to metal or want something that doesn’t constantly irritate your mouth. Whereas, fixed braces may cause more initial discomfort, especially after adjustments, but you’ll likely get used to them over time.

4. Eating and Drinking: What’s the Difference?

One of the most common concerns when choosing between Invisalign and fixed braces is how they’ll affect your eating habits. Let’s face it, nobody wants to give up their favorite foods for months or even weeks. So, how does each option impact what you can eat and drink?

Invisalign: Total Freedom (Mostly)

Removable Invisalign Treatment

With the Invisalign process, you have much more privileges in terms of eating and drinking. Another advantage of the aligners is that they can be removed so that you can eat with them off. It also means that you do not need to worry of getting food stuck with your braces or steering clear of certain foods such as those that are crisp or sticky as most people with fixed braces do. That means you can eat all the pizza, apples, popcorn, and chewy candies you want, without any issues.

However, always remember to take the aligners out, remove them if you are ready to eat or drink anything that is not water. Any other beverage other than water will stain the aligners and eating with the aligners may harm them. Before the aligners are put in again it is necessary to brush your teeth after every meal or snack to reduce the chance of having cavities between the gaps in the aligners.

Fixed Braces: Some Restrictions

When it comes to eating, you are a little restricted especially when you have fixed braces on your teeth. Due to the fact that the metal brackets and wires are fixed on your teeth you should avoid foods that may cause harm to the brackets or get stuck in the wires. Chewing gums, caramels and candies which have a tendency of sticking to the brackets should not be consumed in large quantities. Even apples, nuts or hard crusty bread might cause the bracket to pop off or twist wire which will take the patient back to the orthodontist for correction.

However, you can still consume relatively soft foods without any problems; these include pasta, mashed potatoes, softer fruits, as well as dairy products.

So, What’s the Difference?

Invisalign definitely gives you more freedom with your diet. You can eat anything you want, as long as you remove the aligners and brush afterward. With fixed braces, you’ll have to avoid some foods that could damage the brackets or wires. If food freedom is a big priority for you, Invisalign might be the better option.

5. Oral Hygiene: Which Is Easier to Maintain?

Floss with fixed braces

Keeping your teeth clean is always important, but it becomes even more crucial when you’re undergoing an orthodontic treatment. Let’s see how Invisalign and fixed braces compare when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene.

Invisalign: Easy Brushing and Flossing

One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is that it doesn’t interfere with your normal oral hygiene routine. Since the aligners are removable, you can brush and floss just like you normally would. This makes it a lot easier to maintain healthy gums and prevent issues like cavities or plaque buildup during your treatment.

You will need to clean your aligners regularly, though. Every time you take them out to eat, you should rinse them under lukewarm water. It’s also a good idea to brush the aligners gently with a soft toothbrush (but no toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive) to keep them fresh and free from bacteria.

Fixed Braces: More Effort Required

Brushing and flossing with fixed braces can be a bit more challenging. Since the metal brackets are glued to your teeth and the wires run through them, it can be tricky to clean around them. Food particles and plaque can easily get stuck in the brackets, so you’ll need to be extra thorough when brushing. Special tools, like interdental brushes or water flossers, can help you get into those hard-to-reach areas.

So, What’s Easier?

Invisalign wins in the oral hygiene department. You can brush and floss like normal, and keeping the aligners clean is simple as long as you’re consistent. Fixed braces, on the other hand, require more effort and special tools to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to straightening your teeth, both Invisalign and fixed braces have their strengths. Invisalign offers more comfort, flexibility, and freedom with eating and oral hygiene, but it requires discipline to wear the aligners for the recommended hours. On the other hand, fixed braces are more affordable and better suited for complex cases. At the end of the day, the best option depends on your dental needs, lifestyle, and budget.



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