Want Perfectly Clean Aligners? Discover the Ultimate Cleaning Guide for a Flawless Smile!

Published Date:
October 7, 2024
Updated Date:
October 7, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min
Published Date:
October 7, 2024
Updated Date:
October 7, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min

Table of Contents

  1. Why Clean Aligners Matter (It’s Not Just About Looks)
  2. Why You Shouldn’t Skip Cleaning Your Aligners
  3. Daily Cleaning Routine: Keep It Simple
  4. Rinse Them Every Time You Take Them Out
  5. Brush Them Gently
  6. Deep Cleaning: What to Do Weekly
  7. Soaking Your Aligners
  8. Avoid Harmful Cleaning Products
  9. What Not to Do: Common Mistakes to Avoid
  10. Using Toothpaste on Your Aligners
  11. Forgetting to Brush Before Putting Them Back In
  12. Leaving Your Aligners Out in the Open
  13. How Diet Affects Your Aligners
  14. Say Goodbye to Sugary Drinks
  15. Drink Water Frequently
  16. Traveling with Aligners: What You Need to Know
  17. Pack a Portable Cleaning Kit
  18. Bring Your Previous Set of Aligners
  19. Final Thoughts
  20. FAQs

Who doesn’t want a beautiful straight smile, right? But maintaining your aligners during teeth straightening treatment—well that is a different game altogether. If you are wearing Invisalign or any other clear aligners, you already know that they become a bit nasty if not cleaned well. Of course, no one wants to have aligners with a white, cloudy appearance or bad smell, so maintaining their hygiene is essential. Fortunately, we’ve got the ultimate tips and tricks on how you can make those aligners look good as new. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Why Clean Aligners Matter (It’s Not Just About Looks)


Clear aligners aren’t just about making sure they look clear in your mouth. Sure, having neat and transparent invisible aligners is great, but there’s more to it. If aligners are not clean, they become breeding grounds for bacteria, and it's the last thing you want near your pearly whites all day. Aligners act like a magnet to food particles and bacteria, and if you’re not cleaning them appropriately, those bacteria can cause bad breath (which no one likes) and even infections. Besides, it is not very pleasant to wear aligners when they are dirty, and they can begin to stink. Thus, keeping them clean is not only important to make them look good, but it is also vital for your dental health too!

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Cleaning Your Aligners

There might be some instances where you may want to conduct your business without cleaning the aligners, but this is not advisable. If, for instance, you fail to clean your aligners as instructed, then you will find your aligners and the teeth surrounded by a buildup of plaque and bacteria. And the very last thing you want after your aligner journey is more dental work. Thus, if you have been considering the idea of not cleaning your aligners regularly, then don’t, it’s just not worth it! Set aside five minutes a day to do it right, and your future self will be grateful.

Daily Cleaning Routine: Keep It Simple


You don’t need a fancy or complicated routine to keep your aligners clean. In fact, the simpler it is, the better. Wonders can be done by just following a simple routine. Here’s how you can make sure your aligners stay fresh without too much of a fuss.

Rinse Them Every Time You Take Them Out

Here’s a super easy one: When you are removing your aligners from your mouth, make sure you clean them each time. Before making a spoonful of food go into your mouth, taking a sip of something besides water, or even just letting your teeth have a break, you must first rinse them out with cold water. Even if it’s just the usual washing under the tap—no need for any other complications.
But hey, don’t use hot water! You just have to avoid hot, boiling water because it can actually alter the shape of your aligners, and they won’t fit you again. And if they don’t fit right, then they’re not going to move your teeth in the right manner that they are supposed to. So yeah, normal water only, every time.

Read more on Do Clear Braces Stain Easily – What You Need to Know.

Brush Them Gently

We have another tip that is going to stop you from using your regular toothpaste. Regular toothpaste can be too abrasive and scratch up the surface of your aligners, which will make them look cloudy and less invisible. You obviously wouldn’t want that, would you? Instead, use a soft-bristled toothbrush (maybe even a separate one just for your aligners) and some clear mild soap, or maybe go for a dedicated aligner cleaner. Brush your aligners gently in a circular motion to get rid of any bacteria, food residue, or plaque. Make sure to do this every morning and night, and you’ll be good to go.

Deep Cleaning: What to Do Weekly


Rinsing and brushing are awesome for day-to-day cleanliness, but there are times when your aligners need more. Just to freshen things up, you will want to do a more detailed clean, which should be done about once a week to get the best results. In other words, it is like giving extra attention to prep your aligners, and they also return the favor by giving your smile a perfect look.

Soaking Your Aligners

If you want to deep clean the aligners, then you can soak them in a cleaning solution. Well, that is not a big issue as most people make it to be, so do not worry. You can try a cleaning solution or something as simple as cleaning tablets. All you need to do is listen to instructions on the pack, and your aligners will be soaking for about 15-20 minutes. This will dissolve anything from bacteria and stains to any form of buildup that a simple brushing technique did not remove. When they have been soaked, wash them gently with a brush and rinse them under running cold water. It is that simple, and believe if you do so, your aligners will feel as new as they were on the first day.

Avoid Harmful Cleaning Products

There’s one thing you want to avoid, which includes harmful cleaning products. You may think of cleaning your aligners with items like bleach, vinegar, or mouthwash, but they can harm them. In bleach, they become yellow, whereas mouthwash can cause the staining. As for the vinegar, it not only tastes bad but can also degrade the plastic.

What Not to Do: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s talk about what you should not do when cleaning your aligners. Believe it or not, some common mistakes can ruin your aligners or even make them less effective. If you’re putting in all the effort to clean them daily, you don’t want to accidentally undo your hard work. So here’s what to avoid.

Using Toothpaste on Your Aligners

You might be thinking, "Toothpaste cleans my teeth, so it should clean my aligners, right?" Nope, not quite. Toothpaste is too abrasive for the plastic material of aligners. It can scratch the surface and make it look cloudy or dull, which kind of defeats the purpose of having clear aligners in the first place. Plus, those scratches can trap bacteria, and that’s not something you want hanging out in your mouth all day. Stick with mild soap or special aligner cleaner to keep them clear and smooth. It might seem like a small detail, but it makes a big difference in how your aligners look and feel.

Forgetting to Brush Before Putting Them Back In

You’ve got your aligners all nice and clean, but did you forget something? It’s important to brush and floss before putting your aligners back in. If you don’t, you’re trapping all the food particles and bacteria against your teeth, which can lead to cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. No one wants that. It’s kind of like sealing in the bad stuff if you don’t brush beforehand. So take the extra minute to clean your teeth before popping those aligners back in. Your future self will thank you, and your breath will smell a lot better too.

Leaving Your Aligners Out in the Open

Let’s be real: we’ve all been there. You take your aligners out and leave them sitting on the bathroom counter or the dining table, and suddenly you can’t remember where you left them. Not only is this a surefire way to lose them, but it’s also super unhygienic. Dust, bacteria, and even food particles can end up on your aligners when they’re left out in the open.

How Diet Affects Your Aligners


Did you know that what you eat and drink can impact your aligners and your dental health? It’s true. What goes into your body doesn’t just affect your overall health but also your teeth and aligners. It’s worth thinking about how your diet can help or hurt your oral health during your aligner treatment.

Say Goodbye to Sugary Drinks

You already know that sugary drinks are bad for your teeth, but they’re also bad news for your aligners. Drinks like soda, juice, or even sweetened coffee can leave a sticky residue on your teeth and aligners. If you drink these beverages while wearing your aligners, they can seep into the plastic, causing stains and possibly even damage. And no one wants to deal with stained aligners.

Plus, sugary drinks fuel bacteria in your mouth, which leads to plaque buildup and can contribute to cavities. The sugar essentially sticks to your teeth and aligners, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.
Instead, stick to water when you’re wearing your aligners. Water is the best drink to keep your mouth hydrated and clean, and it won’t stain or damage your aligners.

Drink Water Frequently

Water is your best friend when it comes to wearing aligners. Drinking water throughout the day helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, keeping your mouth and aligners clean. It also helps prevent dry mouth, which can be a common issue for people wearing aligners. When your mouth is dry, bacteria can grow more easily, which leads to bad breath and other oral health problems. So, keep a water bottle handy and sip water regularly. It’s a simple habit that can make a big difference in keeping your aligners and your teeth in great shape.

Traveling with Aligners: What You Need to Know

For those who are heading out for a weekend trip or a long vacation, traveling with aligners has to be a little extra effort. You don’t want to be caught without your cleaning tools or worse, lose your aligners in the middle of your trip. You can enjoy your trip safely while following these tips:

Pack a Portable Cleaning Kit

When you’re on the go, it’s easy to forget about your daily aligner routine. That’s why it is good to carry a cleaning kit, one that can be easily carried, especially for short-term use. These should include a travel-size toothbrush, toothpaste, aligner cleaner, and your aligner case. It is convenient to have the following essentials around since they enable the fast and effective cleaning of aligners even when one is on the move or in a hurry.

You can also bring some cleaning tablets for just a quick rinse because of a very tight schedule. Just make sure that you’re ready and do not have to think about your aligners getting in the way or even getting food on them when you’re in public.

Bring Your Previous Set of Aligners

Damages can occur anywhere, and even the aligners can get misplaced or damaged while on a trip. You should always carry your previous set of aligners with you just in case you get into an accident, etc. This means that in case your set is destroyed, you can always flip back to the previous one and continue with the treatment until you acquire a new one. Yes, it’s a small measure that can enable you to avoid getting derailed from your much-needed progress.

Final Thoughts

Caring for your aligners is easier than you think and does not have to be tedious. By following such a basic schedule throughout the day, a weekly deep clean, and a few other measures, you can ensure that your aligners continue to look new and remain clear. Of course, clean aligners have nothing to do with looks; on the contrary, they are important for a heap of reasons, primarily because they are essential in maintaining the health of your mouth and ensuring optimal progress throughout treatment. So using a little more time when brushing them, plus the proper care and attention they need, will get you closer to that perfect smile you’ve always wanted.



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