At-Home Teeth Straightening vs. Orthodontist Visits: Which is Right for You?

Teeth Straightening
Published Date:
October 9, 2024
Updated Date:
October 9, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min
Published Date:
October 9, 2024
Updated Date:
October 9, 2024
Reading Time: 7:min

Table of Contents

  1. At-Home Teeth Straightening vs. Orthodontist Visits: Which is Right for You?
  2. What Are At-Home Teeth Aligners?
  3. What Do Orthodontist Visits Involve?
  4. Things to Consider Before Choosing
  5. Case Complexity
  6. Treatment Time
  7. Cost
  8. Which One Should You Choose?
  9. At-Home Aligners May Be Best For You If:
  10. Orthodontist Visits May Be Best For You If:
  11. Monitoring and Support: What’s the Difference?
  12. At-Home Aligners: Limited Check-Ins
  13. Orthodontist Visits: Personalized Care
  14. Post-Treatment Care: What Happens After?
  15. At-Home Aligners: Basic Retention
  16. Orthodontist Visits: Ongoing Support
  17. Final Thoughts
  18. FAQs

Thinking about getting a teeth straightening treatment but confused between choosing at-home teeth straightening or going to the orthodontist? Each option has its advantages, but the final decision depends on your requirements, lifestyle, and budget. In this blog post, we’ll discuss these two teeth straightening methods so you can choose which course of action will help you have the smile of your dreams without the need for further adjustments. Let’s dig in!

What Are At-Home Teeth Aligners?

Mail-order or at-home teeth aligners are clear plastic trays that have been specially designed to gradually move teeth to their correct position. The key benefit is convenience. One of the biggest advantages of at-home aligners is that the patient does not need to have multiple check-ups at the orthodontist’s office.

These aligners make use of your dental impressions or 3D scans of the teeth, which you can acquire in the comfort of your home. Once these impressions are sent back to the company, they formulate a treatment plan and simply deliver your aligners right to your front door. It is also suggested that you should wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily and remove them only while eating or blasting.

At-home teeth aligners

Clear aligners worn at home are cheaper than normal braces and, hence, are economically a better choice for the masses. Nevertheless, they are deemed appropriate for mild to moderate alignment problems; therefore, they cannot really be useful when people have severe issues with dental malocclusions or have complex treatment cases.

What Do Orthodontist Visits Involve?

Visiting an orthodontist for your teeth straightening simply means having your treatment supervised by a professional. Orthodontists have several options, including ordinary metal braces and the cosmetic invisible braces known as Invisalign. With such skills, they are in a better position to handle and treat various dental problems ranging from minor misalignment to extreme crowding.

The orthodontist will examine your teeth, take pictures, and develop a treatment plan for you. As opposed to clear aligners worn at home, you will have the orthodontist examine your case frequently and make some changes to achieve the best result. This oversight can be especially helpful if your dental problems are complicated and your case is complex.

Things to Consider Before Choosing

Deciding whether to undergo dental treatment at home or visit an orthodontist’s office is not easy. However, the following guide can help you in decide which of the options suits you the best.

Case Complexity

Crooked Teeth

One of the most important factors in determining the right choice is the severity of dental misalignment. While it is safe to say that at-home aligner treatments are ideal for minimal to moderately complex cases, such as slight spacing or minor crowding. If you have serious crowding or if you are suffering from bite issues such as overbites, underbites, or any type of severe malocclusion, it is likely that the appliances need to be monitored by an orthodontist.

Since orthodontists have all the knowledge, skills, and equipment that is needed to treat such cases, they can handle severe cases better than clear aligners.

Treatment Time

At-home aligners are known to deliver more relief in a relatively small amount of time for those suffering from mild dental problems. Due to the nature of these treatment programs to deal with simple misalignment problems, the average contact time could take between 6 to 12 months.

On the other hand, the treatments provided by the orthodontist may take more time but are more effective. It can take between 12 to 24 months or even more if you have serious dental problems using traditional braces, which are controlled by an orthodontist.

Therefore, if you want a fast and simple solution and your dental issues are moderate, at-home aligners are a good place to start. However, for those willing to embrace a more comprehensive experience, visits to an orthodontist offer lifetime guarantees.


Cost is inevitably a critical parameter for many individuals considering their orthodontic treatment. In general, at-home aligners are more cost-effective compared to in-office treatments. However, a majority of the at-home aligner manufacturers allow customers to apply for financing, which ultimately enhances the affordability of the price offered.

The cost of at-home aligners is overall somewhere between £1,500 and £2,500, depending on the provider. In contrast, the number of visits to the orthodontist usually costs a little more than the standard dental visits. The price for traditional braces provided in an office setting may range from £3,000 to £8,000 or more, depending on the treatment plan and the location.

But if budget restrictions are your biggest concern and your alignment issues are not quite complicated, at-home aligners are better. However, if you are ready to go the extra mile in getting treated by a specialist, an orthodontist might just be what your teeth need.

Read our detailed guide on Affordable Clear Aligner Options in the UK.

Which One Should You Choose?

A woman putting on clear aligner trays

Lastly, deciding between at-home teeth straightening and orthodontist visits comes down to your specific needs and preferences. We are giving you a quick summary to help you make a decision that is best for you:

At-Home Aligners May Be Best For You If:

  • You Have Mild to Moderate Alignment Issues: If you do not have severe dental misalignment, at-home aligners will help you get your perfect smile faster and for less money.
  • You Prefer Convenience: Since there are no appointments with the orthodontist required, you may finish your treatment wherever you are in case you lack adequate time or can’t visit the orthodontist regularly.
  • You’re on a Budget: At-home aligners are cheaper than traditional braces and a seemingly better economical option for those who do not have dental health coverage.

Orthodontist Visits May Be Best For You If:

  • You Have Complex Dental Issues: Major alignment problems, biting issues, or concerns that relate to jaw positions are better handled by an orthodontist. They can also give a more detailed plan during consultations.
  • You Want Professional Supervision: It is recommended that one should visit an orthodontist for a check-up every few weeks or at least once a month to confirm that treatment is on the right track. They can modify their strategies depending on the outcome they desire for the best possible results.
  • You Don’t Mind a Longer Treatment Timeline: The in-office teeth straightening treatment combined with the orthodontists can lead to more time required for the treatment to get completed.
  • Monitoring and Support: What’s the Difference?

    At-Home Aligners: Limited Check-Ins

    Clear aligners provide you with the flexibility of managing your treatment plan at home. Although you’ll be able to speak with customer support and maybe have digital check-ins, these firms won’t be able to physically view your dental condition as in the case of in-office treatments. However, this also means that, as a patient, you can monitor your treatment progress and discuss the treatment with the providers regularly.

    Orthodontist Visits: Personalized Care

    On the other hand, orthodontists offer physical appointments that are more personalized and require in-person presence. There are several Invisalign teeth straightening options in the UK. During your regular check-ups, your orthodontist will be able to see how your teeth are responding and fix problems as they appear. If your teeth are not getting aligned as per the schedule, then they can adjust the treatment plan to ensure that everything goes as planned.

    Such a level of supervision means that your treatment plan is personalized from the beginning to the end, which is more suitable for patients with complicated dental problems.

    Post-Treatment Care: What Happens After?

    After you’ve completed your treatment, keeping your teeth in their new positions is just as important as getting them aligned in the first place. Here’s how post-treatment care differs between at-home aligners and orthodontist-supervised treatments.

    At-Home Aligners: Basic Retention

    Once you’re done with your aligners, most at-home companies will provide you with a retainer to wear. The importance of wearing this retainer as prescribed is to avoid having your teeth move back to their previous position. However, the effectiveness of this treatment depends on your consistency and compliance.

    Moreover, in the case of at-home treatments, you will have to take additional responsibility for wearing your retainer as well as guaranteeing your outcome.

    Orthodontist Visits: Ongoing Support

    When your treatment is supervised by an orthodontist, post-treatment care is a bit more hands-on. Your orthodontist will suggest a custom retainer and may even schedule follow-up visits to ensure your teeth are staying in place. If anything seems off, they can adjust the retainer or offer additional guidance.

    This ongoing support helps ensure that your teeth stay perfectly aligned for the long haul, giving you extra peace of mind after completing your treatment.

    Final Thoughts

    Therefore, when it comes to choosing between at-home teeth aligners and orthodontist visits, one has to make the decision based on the outcome they want and the recommendation from the dentist. For individuals who need a budget-friendly orthodontic treatment and are restricted by limited time, at-home aligners appear as the ideal solution for candidates with mild alignment problems. On the other hand, if your case is complicated or you would want to be supervised through the process, then an orthodontist is the best place to go.



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